For IOT Prize Winners
For IOT Prize Winners
The Flight Cadet Entry photographs (i.e. Intakes by Squadron (A, B, C and D), Sports, Graduation and Prize Winners of F20 to 101 Entry) are arranged by decade. We have also created slides of honours and awards received by members of each entry and, as far as we have been able to determine, the highest rank they achieved in the RAF
The Graduate Entry photographs (i.e. Intakes by Squadron (A and B), Sports, Graduation and Prize Winners of 1 GE to 40 GE) are arranged in Chapters, all covering the one decade - the 1970s. There is no archived information on awards, honours or highest ranks achieved.
Inspired by feedback from Cranwellian Rob O'Dell (100 IOT), we have managed to assemble a record of the short-lived Pre-IOT (PIOT) initiative that ran between 1985 and 1987.
Having recorded the names of over 30,000 cadets, SFTS aircrew, GE, IOT and IOTC graduates to heve been trained at the RAF College, the album attempts to portray the throughput of training during the College's 100 year history. The analysis is approximate, giving trends by decade, and data on later years is still awaited.
Our attempts to record graduates of SERE courses have met with limited success, there being few records archived. We have been fortunate, however, to add to this album photos kindly donated by graduates and Directing Staff of SERE courses.
The IOT Entry graduation photographs of 41 IOT to 216 (E) GE are arranged by decade. There are no archived photographs of prize winners or information on awards, honours or highest ranks achieved, but we have purchased and edited videos of prizes awarded at graduation parades.
The IOTC Entry graduation photographs of IOTC 1 to IOTC 61 are arranged by decade. There are no archived photographs of prize winners or information on awards, honours or highest ranks achieved, but we have purchased and edited videos of prizes awarded at graduation parades.
Inspired by the feedback from two IOT Cranwellians, this album attempts to address the training transitions and transformations from the initial pre-WWII Flight Cadet Systems to RAFOTA's current MIOT System.