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A Month for Inaugural Flights
RAFVR Formed 30 July 1936
WWII Losses JULY 1940/41/42/43/44
RAFC  WWII ORBs JULY 1940/41/42/43/44
Korean War ends July 1953
Old Cranwellians Founded 14 July 1926
Over the years, July was a quiet month for RAF and College milestones. In this album, however, we have compiled data and videos of inaugural flights that occured in the month of July and remain historically "newsworthy".Info
In 2018, a fellow Cranwellian passed us authorised copies of some of the RAF Cranwell Fs540 ORBs for WWII from a project he had been working on. This album captures all the extracts for each July of the war years, primarily of the Station ORB, but also some from SSQ and College (17) FTS.Info
A tribute to Cranwellians who served during WWII in Bomber Command, "The Cranwellian Many" summarises the different Phases of Bomber Command's Strategic Air Offensive, the aircraft employed and the Cranwellians who paid the ultimate sacrifice. The album contains hypertext links to amplifying information and videos.Info
An extract of the Cranwellian Roll of Honour, paying tribute to those who lost their lives in WWII air operations in the months of July.Info
The RAF contribution to the Korean War was modest by comparison to other Services, but the geo-sensitive conflict accounted for 2 million lives. This album is a short tribute to commemorate the personal contribution of two brave Cranwellians.Info
This is an album being drafted in three very large Volumes, cataloguing OCA events of nearly 100 years. Volume 1 - Pre-WWII - is complete. More data to come from College Journals and OCA Meetings' Minutes, once released by owners. WIP.Info

Volume 3

On the anniversary of the formation of the RAFVR in July 1936, we issue this album which summarises the reltionship between the College and RAF Reservist orgainsations, all inspired through the vision of MRAF Viscount Trenchard.Info